Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Most of my readers have received great benefit from eating whole meal bread instead of white, and they may all gain further good it they will use Allinson whole meal flour in place of white for all cooking purposes. Those who are at all constipated, or who suffer from piles, varicose veins, varicocele, back pain, &c., should never use white flour in cooking. Those who are inclined to stoutness should use whole meal flour rather than white. Hygienists and health-reformers should not permit white flour to enter their houses, unless it is to make bill-stickers’ paste or some like stuff. Toothless children must not be given any food but milk and water until they cut at least two teeth.
Every kind of cookery can be done with whole meal flour. In making ordinary white sauce or vegetable sauce, this is how we make it; Chop fine some onion or parsley; boil in a small quantity of water, stir in whole meal flour and milk, add a little pepper and salt, thin with hot water, and thus produce a sauce that helps down vegetables and potatoes. In making a brown sauce we put a little butter or olive oil in the frying-pan; let it bubble and sputter, dredge in Allinson whole meal flour, stir it round with a knife until browned, add boiling water, pepper, salt, a little ketchup, and you then have a nice brown sauce for many dishes. If we wish to make it very tasty we fry a finely chopped onion first and add that to it. White sweet sauce is made from whole meal flour, milk, sugar, and a little cinnamon, cloves, lemon juice, vanilla, or other flavouring. Yorkshire puddings, Norfolk dumplings, batter puddings, and such puddings can all be made with whole meal flour, and are more nourishing and healthy, and do not lie so heavy as those made from white flour. Pancakes can be made from whole meal flour just as well as from white.
All kinds of pastry, pie-crusts, under crusts, &c., are best made from Allinson whole meal, and if much butter, lard, or dripping is used they will lie just as heavy, and cause heartburn just as much as those made with white flour. There is a substitute for pie-crusts that is very tasty, and not at all harmful. We call it “batter,” and it can be used for savoury dishes as well as sweet ones.


Fry some potatoes, then some onions, put them in layers in a pie-dish; next make a batter of Allinson whole meal flour, 1 or 2 eggs, milk, and a little pepper with salt; pour over the fried vegetables as they lie in the dish, bake in the oven from ½ an hour to 1 hour, until, in fact, the batter has formed a crust; eat with the usual vegetables. Or chop fine cold vegetables of any kind, fry onions and add to them, put in a pie-dish, pour some of the batter as above over them, and bake. All kinds of cold vegetables, cold soup, porridge, &c., can go into this, and tinned or fresh tomatoes will make it more savoury. Tomatoes may be wiped, put in a pie-dish, batter poured over, and then baked, and are very tasty this way. Butter adds to the flavour of these dishes, but does not make them more wholesome or more nourishing.


Cut Allinson whole meal bread into slices a little over a ¼ of an inch thick, line a pie-dish with these, having first cut off the hard crusts. Then fill the dish with hot stewed fruit of any kind, and at once cover it with a layer of bread, gently pressed on the hot fruit. Turn out when cold on to a flat dish, pour over it a white sauce, and serve.


Soak crusts or slices of Allinson bread in hot water, then break fine in a pie-dish, add to this soaked currants, raisins, chopped nuts or almonds, a beaten-up egg, and milk, with sugar and spice, and bake in the oven. Or tie the whole up in a pudding-cloth and boil. Serve with white sauce or eat with stewed fresh fruit. These puddings can be eaten hot or cold; labourers can take them to their work for dinner, and their children cannot have a better meal to take to school.


Mix Allinson whole meal flour, milk, 1 or 2 eggs together, and a little sugar and cinnamon, and it is ready for use. Stew ripe cherries, gooseberries, currants, raspberries, plums, damsons, or other ripe fruit in a jar, pour into a pie-dish; pour into the batter named above, bake, and this is a good substitute for a fruit pie. Prunes can be treated the same way, or the batter can be cooked in the saucepan, poured into a mould, allowed to go cold and set; then it forms whole meal blancmange, and may be eaten with stewed fresh fruit. Rusks, cheesecakes, buns, biscuits, and other like articles as Madeira cake, pound cake, wedding cake, & cake, can all be made of whole meal flour.


Chop fine any kinds of greens or vegetables, stew in a little water until thoroughly done, then add plenty of hot water, with pepper and salt to taste, and a ¼ of an hour before serving, pour in a cupful of the “Sweet Batter,” and you get a thick, nourishing soup. To make it more savoury, fry your vegetables before making into soup.


These dishes take the place of omelets and frequently of pies, to both of which they are in many particulars similar. The batter is used to keep the ingredients together, and adds to their wholesomeness.


1 large head of celery, 1 pint of milk, 3 eggs, 6 oz. Allinson fine wheat meal, 2 oz. butter, 1 English onion, pepper and salt to taste. Prepare the celery, cut it into small pieces, chop up the onion pretty fine, and stew both gently in half the milk and the butter and seasoning. Make a batter meanwhile with the rest of the milk, the eggs and the wheat meal. When the celery and onion are quite tender mix the batter with them; grease a pie-dish, pour the mixture into it, and bake the savoury for 1-1/2 hours. Eat with potatoes and tomato sauce.


1-1/2 lbs. of potatoes, two good-sized English onions, 1 pint of milk, ½ lb. of Allinson fine wheat meal, 3 eggs, 2-1/2 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste. Peel and wash the potatoes, and slice them ¼ inch thick, then dry them on a cloth. Chop fine the onions. Put the butter into the frying-pan, and let it get boiling hot, turn into it the potatoes and onions, and fry them together, stirring frequently until the vegetables begin to brown and get soft. Make a batter of the milk, meal, and eggs, stir the fried potatoes and onions into it, and season with pepper and salt. Grease a pie-dish, turn the mixture into it, and bake the savoury for 1-1/2 hours. Serve with vegetables and tomato sauce. This is a very tasty dish.


½ lb. of turnips, ½ lb. of carrots, ½ lb. of potatoes, ½ lb. of shelled green peas (if in season), ½ lb. of onions, 8 oz. of Allinson fine wheat meal, 1 pint of milk, 3 eggs, 2 oz. of butter, pepper and salt. Cut the vegetables into small dice; fry them in the butter until fairly well cooked. Make the batter with the milk, wheat meal, and the eggs well beaten; add the vegetables and seasoning. Bake the mixture in a pie-dish for 1-1/2 hours in a moderate oven.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


6 oz. each of Allinson fine wheat meal and white flour, 4-1/2 oz. of butter, 1 egg, a little cold water, 1-1/2 lbs. of apples, 1 heaped-up teaspoonful of cinnamon, and 3 oz. of castor sugar. Rub the butter into the meal and flour, beat up the egg and add it, and as much cold water as is required to make a smooth paste; roll out the greater part of it ¼ inch thick, and line a flat buttered tin with it. Pare, core, and cut the apples into thin divisions, arrange them in close rows on the paste point down, leaving 1 inch of edge uncovered; sift the sugar and cinnamon over the apples; roll out thinly the rest of the paste, cover the apples with it, turn up the edges of the bottom crust over the edges of the top crust, make 2 incisions in the crust, and bake the cake until brown in a moderately hot oven; when cold sift castor sugar over it, slip the cake off the tin, cut into pieces, and serve.


1 lb. of apples, 2 oz. of butter, ground cinnamon and sugar to taste. Pare, core, and slice the apples; heat the butter in a frying-pan, when it boils turn in the apples and fry them until cooked; sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, and serve on buttered toast.


Core as many apples as may be required. Fill the holes with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon; make a paste for a short crust, roll it out, and wrap each apple in it. Bake the dumplings about 30 or 40 minutes in the oven, or boil them the same time in plenty of water, placing the dumplings in the water when it boils fast. Serve with cream or sweet white sauce.


2 lbs. of apples, ½ lb. of dates, ¾ pint of milk, ¼ pint of cream, 6 cloves tied in muslin, and a little sugar. Pare, core, and cut up the apples, stone the dates, and gently stew the fruit with a teacupful of water and the cloves until quite tender; when sufficiently cooked, remove the cloves, and rub the fruit through a sieve; gradually mix in the milk, which should be boiling, then the cream; serve cold with sponge-cake fingers.


3 good juicy cooking apples, 3 eggs, 6 oz. of Allinson fine wheat meal, ½ pint of milk, and sugar to taste. Pare and core the apples, and cut them into rounds ¼ inch thick; make a batter with the milk, meal, and the eggs well beaten, adding sugar to taste. Have a frying-pan ready on the fire with boiling oil, veggie-butter, or butter, dip the apple slices into the batter and fry the fritters until golden brown; drain them on blotting paper, and keep them hot in the oven until all are done.


1 pint of water to each 1 lb. of apples. Wash and cut up the apples, and boil them in the water until tender; then pour them into a jelly bag and let drain well; take 1 lb. of loaf sugar to each pint of juice, and the juice of 1 lemon to each quart of liquid. Boil the liquid, skimming carefully, until the jelly sets when cold if a drop is tried on a plate. It may take from 2 hours to 3 hours in boiling.


Make the batter as directed in the recipe for “Apple Fritters,” peel 2 apples, and cut them in thin slices, mix them with the batter, add sugar and cinnamon to taste, a little lemon juice if liked, and fry the pancakes in the usual way.

APPLE PUDDING (Nottingham)

6 baking apples, 2 oz. of sugar, 1 heaped up teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, ¾ pint of milk, 3 eggs, 6 oz. of Allinson whole meal, and 1 oz. of butter. Core the apples, mix the sugar and cinnamon, and fill the hole where the core was with it; put the apples into a buttered pie-dish; make a batter of the milk, eggs, and meal, melt the butter and mix it into the batter; pour it over the apples, and bake the pudding for 2 hours in a moderate oven.


1-1/2 lbs. of apples, 1 teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, sugar to taste, ½ lb. of Allinson fine wheat meal, and 2-1/2 oz. of butter or veggie-butter. Pare, core, and cut up the apples; make a paste of the meal, butter and a little cold water; roll the paste out, line a pudding basin with the greater part of it, put in the apples, and sprinkle over them the cinnamon and 4 oz. of sugar—a little more should the apples be very sour; cover the apples with the rest of the paste, and press the edges together round the sides; tie a cloth over the basin and boil the pudding for 2-1/2 to 3 hours in a saucepan with boiling water.


5 oz. of sago, 1-1/2 lbs. of apples, the juice of a lemon, a teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, and sugar to taste. Wash the sago and cook it in 1-1/2 pints of water, to which the cinnamon is added; meanwhile have the apples ready, pared, cored, and cut up; cook them in very little water, just enough to keep the apples from burning; when they are quite soft rub them through a sieve and mix them with the cooking sago, adding sugar and lemon juice; let all cook gently for a few minutes or until the sago is quite soft; put the mixture into a wetted mould, and turn out when cold.


1 lb. of good cooking apples, sugar to taste. Pare, core, and cut the apples in pieces, cook them in a few spoonfuls of water to prevent them burning; when quite soft rub the apple through a sieve, and sweeten the sauce to taste. Rubbing the sauce through a sieve ensures the sauce being free from pieces should the apple not pulp evenly.


2 lbs. of apples, 1 cupful of currants and sultanas, 2 oz. of chopped almonds, sugar to taste, 1 teaspoonful of ground cinnamon or the rind of ½ lemon (which latter should be removed after cooking with the apples), 12 oz. or Allinson fine wheat meal, and 4-1/2 oz. of butter. Pare, core, and cut up the apples; stew them in very little water, only just enough to keep from burning; when nearly done add the currants, sultanas, almonds, cinnamon, and sugar; let all simmer together until the apples have become a pulp; let the fruit cool; make a paste of the meal, butter, and a little water; roll it out and line a round, flat dish with it, and brush the paste over with white of eggs; turn the apple mixture on the paste; cut the rest of the paste into strips 3/8 of an inch wide, and lay them over the apples in diamond shape, each 1 inch from the other, so as to make a kind of trellis arrangement of the pastry. If enough paste is left, lay a thin strip right round the dish to finish off the edge, mark it nicely with a fork or spoon, and bake the tart for ¾ hour. Serve with white sauce or custard.


Those who have apple-trees are often at a loss to know what to do with the windfalls. The apples come down on some days by the bushel, and it is impossible to use them all up for apple pie, puddings, or jelly. An excellent way to keep them for winter use is to dry them. It gives a little trouble, but one is well repaid for it, for the home-dried apples are superior in flavour to any bought apple-rings or pippins. Peel your apples, cut away the cores and all the worm-eaten parts—for nearly the whole of the windfalls are more or less worm-eaten. The good parts cut into thin pieces, spread them on large sheets of paper in the sun. In the evening (before the dew falls), they should be taken indoors and spread on tins (but with paper underneath), on the cool kitchen stove, and if the oven is only just warm, placed in the oven well spread out; of course they require frequent turning about, both in the sun and on the stove. Next day they may again be spread in the sun, and will probably be quite dry in the course of the day. Should the weather be rainy, the apples must be dried indoors only, and extra care must then be taken that they are neither scorched nor cooked on the stove. Whilst cooking is going on they will dry nicely on sheets of paper on the plate-rack. When the apples are quite dry, which is when the outside is not moist at all, fill them into brown paper bags and hang them up in an airy, dry place. The apples will be found delicious in flavour when stewed, and most acceptable when fresh fruit is scarce. I have dried several bushels of apples in this way every year.


2 lbs. of apples, ½ lb. of rice, the rind of ½ lemon (or a piece of stick cinnamon if preferred), 4 oz. of sultanas, sugar to taste, 1 oz. of butter, and, if the apples are not sour, the juice of a lemon. Boil the rice in 3 pints of water with the lemon rind, then add the apples, pared, cored, and sliced, the sultanas, butter, lemon juice, and sugar; let all simmer gently for ½ hour, or until quite tender; if too dry add a little more water; remove the lemon rind before serving.


½ lb. each of apples and breadcrumbs, and ½ lb. of currants and sultanas mixed, 5 eggs well beaten, sugar to taste, the grated rind and juice of 1 lemon, and 2 oz. of butter. Peel, core, and chop the apples small, mix them with the breadcrumbs, sugar, currants, and sultanas (washed and picked), the lemon juice and rind, and the butter, previously melted; whip up the eggs and mix them well with the other ingredients; turn the mixture into a buttered mould, tie with a cloth, and steam the pudding for 3 hours.