Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Most of my readers have received great benefit from eating whole meal bread instead of white, and they may all gain further good it they will use Allinson whole meal flour in place of white for all cooking purposes. Those who are at all constipated, or who suffer from piles, varicose veins, varicocele, back pain, &c., should never use white flour in cooking. Those who are inclined to stoutness should use whole meal flour rather than white. Hygienists and health-reformers should not permit white flour to enter their houses, unless it is to make bill-stickers’ paste or some like stuff. Toothless children must not be given any food but milk and water until they cut at least two teeth.
Every kind of cookery can be done with whole meal flour. In making ordinary white sauce or vegetable sauce, this is how we make it; Chop fine some onion or parsley; boil in a small quantity of water, stir in whole meal flour and milk, add a little pepper and salt, thin with hot water, and thus produce a sauce that helps down vegetables and potatoes. In making a brown sauce we put a little butter or olive oil in the frying-pan; let it bubble and sputter, dredge in Allinson whole meal flour, stir it round with a knife until browned, add boiling water, pepper, salt, a little ketchup, and you then have a nice brown sauce for many dishes. If we wish to make it very tasty we fry a finely chopped onion first and add that to it. White sweet sauce is made from whole meal flour, milk, sugar, and a little cinnamon, cloves, lemon juice, vanilla, or other flavouring. Yorkshire puddings, Norfolk dumplings, batter puddings, and such puddings can all be made with whole meal flour, and are more nourishing and healthy, and do not lie so heavy as those made from white flour. Pancakes can be made from whole meal flour just as well as from white.
All kinds of pastry, pie-crusts, under crusts, &c., are best made from Allinson whole meal, and if much butter, lard, or dripping is used they will lie just as heavy, and cause heartburn just as much as those made with white flour. There is a substitute for pie-crusts that is very tasty, and not at all harmful. We call it “batter,” and it can be used for savoury dishes as well as sweet ones.

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